Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tool # 11

Wow, I can't believe I am almost finished with the 11 tools, the only thing I have left to do is take the self assessment quiz.

There were several tools that I liked from this assignment.  They included Thinkfinity, comix, word cloud generators, web cam, google docs and epals.  I mentioned this assignment in one of my earlier posts---On Thinkfinity I would look up the Gettysburg Address and have the students analyze the primary source, they could also create a comic about the Gettysburg Address and possibly have a student read and act out the Gettysburg Address on the web cam.

I have come to the conclusion that I will need to incorporate more technology in my lessons.  I will also try to do more group work in stations.  I know that I cannot possibly attempt everything that I have learned through this project but I will have to take baby steps.  Each year I feel that I am getting a bit more comfortable with technology.

I am totally amazed at the wealth of information that is available to teachers!  I had no idea there were so many different tools out there.  The problem for me will be trying to find the time to look through these sites at length and find what will work for me in my classroom.  Teachers have so many responsibilities already I just don't know how I will be able to add too much more to my plate.  This project itself has been very time consuming!

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