Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tool # 10

1.  There are several things that I would like my students to understand about being a good digital citizen.  First of all, we all need to realize that becoming a good digital citizen is a process.  Practice makes perfect!  It will take time for students to grasp all the ins and outs of digital citizenship.  Second, students must realize that they are only permitted to go to specific sites, they just can't surf the net aimlessly, they are only allowed to view and research age appropriate materials.  Lastly, and this is extremely important, students must understand that they have to keep their personal info private, they must think before they write something for all the world to see.  I will remind them to remember the golden rule:  "treat others the way you want to be treated" when using technology.

2.  I will use Brain Pop videos and the Cyber (smart) teens videos to help instruct my students about appropriate use of technology.  I also found on the "Digital Citizenship-Using Technology Appropriately" site a family contract for digital citizenship.  Included was a Kids' pledge and a Parents Pledge.

3.  I will "teach" digital citizenship to my students by showing the videos mentioned above and using the kids' pledge.  I think it is also important to lead by  example.  Like I mentioned before this is a learning process not only for the students but also for the teachers.  I will be learning and modeling the correct digital behavior right along with the students.

4.  Digital citizenship should be discussed at Back to School night.  Information could be put in the SOMS newsletter and available on the SOMS website.  Information could also be provided at Report Card Pick Up.  I would also like to use the Parents Pledge that I mentioned earlier.

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